Saturday, February 11, 2012

What is the independent variable? what is the dependent variable?

A tissue manufacturer that has the fourth-largest market share plans to experiment with a 50-

cents-off coupon during November. It plans to measure sales volume (as recorded by store

scanners) for November to determine the effectiveness of the coupon.

1. What is the independent variable?

2. What is the dependent variable?

3. Do you see any problems with the dependent variable?What is the independent variable? what is the dependent variable?
1. The independent variable is the 50垄 coupon, because the manufacturer controls that.

2. The dependent variable is the sales volume, because that is the response to coupon. The manufacturer doesn't control that.

3. The only problem I see with the dependent variable is that it is measuring the money the product generates rather than the number of units sold.

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