Independent variable: is a variable that you can manipulate
Dependent variable: is a variable that is measured
so for example the independent variable would be the time or the liquids because you are in control of them while the dependant variable would be what would happen to the bone.
I think thats right. if not im sure someone else will explain it better.
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What exactly is a dependent and independent variable in an experiment?The different variables are the controlled, independent, and dependent responding variables. The controlled variables are what you keep the same in the experiment. The independent variables are what you change on purpose in order to find the results. The dependent variable is what the results are based on the independent variables.What exactly is a dependent and independent variable in an experiment?
make sure to have a control! (either the bones in water or in nothing at all)
independent variable is what you can change-- this is the liquid in your ex.
dependent variable is what you measure-- in this case the flexibility
If you want something cool to happen to the bones, but some in vinegar. Seriously, it will make them bend like rubber.
"In an experiment, the independent variable is the variable that is varied or manipulated by the researcher, and the dependent variable is the response that is measured."
Based on this, the liquids are the independent variables, and the dependent variable is the flexibility.
The dependent variable is turkey flexibility and the independent variable is the type of liquid that you are soaking the turkey in.
A dependent variable relies on the information and data given by the independent variable. Time would be the independent variable and flexibility would be the dependent variable.
the independent variable is the thing that will not change during the experiement (time)
depends are the things that change depending on the indepent (the bones)
flexability after liquid would be dependent and the type of liquid would be independent.
independent variable is type of liquid
dependent variable is flexibility of bone
dependent turkey and chicken independent the liquid.
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