Friday, January 27, 2012

In this experiment what would be my control variable, independent variable, and constants?

In this experiment what would be my control variable, independent variable, and constants. I am confused on this...

How much salt must be added to a solution of regular tap water to make an egg float.In this experiment what would be my control variable, independent variable, and constants?
I told chip I would boil an egg while he was in the bunny ranch because that would be all the time he needed....LOL I better get best answer mike even though that outher guys answer was way better.In this experiment what would be my control variable, independent variable, and constants?
a constant is what doesn't change in order to see the difference between after you changed your experiment/variable and before you changed the variable- REGULAR TAP WATER

the control variable is basically the same thing as a constant- REGULAR TAP WATER

the independent variable is the variable that you change- SALT + WATER
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